We will undertake a mock inspection of your service using the same methodology as the regulator. Depending on the type of service and the circumstances this may be in the form of a visit or remote access to your system.
Audits will be carried out under the key areas of Safe, Caring, Responsive, Effective, and well led
Our findings will highlight any potential issues, how they might be improved and how to implement these improvements.
After the visit our consultant will write a comprehensive report mapped to the regulatory framework which will:
detail the observations that have been observed during the visit
assess the level of compliance for each aspect and make suggestions for improvements.
The duration of your mock inspection will depend on the size and complexity of your service but will usually take no more than 2 days.
Having mock inspections more regular mock inspections are speedier and we recommend a mock inspection once every 3-6 months.
This service responds to the draft inspection report for factual accuracy – a vital stage in achieving a positive inspection report outcome.
If you feel that an inspection has not gone well, contact us immediately so that we can discuss the areas about which you believe the regulators have concern.
We’ll support you in addressing these concerns and will work through the draft report in detail when it arrives and draft your factional accuracy response. We’ll then advise you which evidence is required to support your case which should then be sent back to the regulator.
The duration of this typically takes 1-2 working days.
When we undertake compliance audits we look at specific aspects of your service including medication, administrative area’s, infection control, care planning and so on.
Our consultant will spend a day in your care service and will look at the specific aspect of compliance. They will then provide verbal feedback to the person responsible for that area in your care service and provide a short report on our findings and key actions for you.
These compliance audits typically take 1 day on site.
If the worst happens and the regulator commences enforcement action against you and/or your service we can offer a full support service.
This includes responses to Notice of Proposal and action plans (often you will get 24hrs to deliver an action plan).
It is not possible to estimate the duration of this support as all cases are different. You will however know exactly what work we are carrying out and the cost of this in advance.
If your service has areas of non-compliance or has breached regulations, you will need an action plan to achieve compliance.
An action plan is a legal requirement in the cases of breaches of regulation and is simply good practice in other cases.
We support care providers in writing their action plans in the required format. This typically takes about a day off-site but may take longer if there are many breaches of regulation or areas of non-compliance.
Email us: info@vtsconsultants.co.uk Call us : 07534 490749
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